Showing posts with label Ron Paul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ron Paul. Show all posts

Monday, April 23, 2012

These words are even more appropriate now than in 2008:

"In the final analysis," I wrote in my new book The Revolution: A Manifesto, "the last line of defense in support of freedom and the Constitution consists of the people themselves. If the people want to be free, if they want to lift themselves out from underneath a state apparatus that threatens their liberties, squanders their resources on needless wars, destroys the value of their dollar, and spews forth endless propaganda about how indispensable it is and how lost we would all be without it, there is no force that can stop them."

Our time has come to act on these words.

May future generations look back on our work and say that these were men and women who, in a moment of great crisis, stood up to their politicians, the opinion-makers, and the establishment, and saved their country.

For liberty,

Ron Paul

The man knows of what he speaks!

Retired US Marine Major Christopher Miller gave a  speech at his GOP Congressional District 3 convention. We would do well to listen to the man...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ron Paul Highlights from the South Carolina CNN Debate

This is a good video, only 21 minutes long. Please take the time to watch it. :-)

January 19th, 2012

Friday, October 7, 2011

Day Two Protest the banking system (and the wars!)

We were at the Fed from about 3:30 to 9:00 last night. We met some really great folks and had a good time visiting. I encouraged everyone I talked with to spread the message, especially to the Occupy Dallas folks, that's really what we were there to do.

A couple of OD guys came over and tried to get us to join them at Pioneer Plaza. They said there were only about 70-80 of them over there. We said come join us!! They finally did come (escorted by the police!) and stood across the street. We tried to wave them over, but they mostly stayed over there. Some of them were with us and some of us were over there. Don't listen to the media hype about this, they will marginalize us as they always do. Try to keep us from realizing how similar we are. They don't want us to join or work together!

We ended up chanting together a few times and they seemed to listen when Alex spoke directly to them (across the street with bullhorn). Many of the sign messages on either side of the street said the same thing. I suggested to them they chant "this is what America looks like" instead of using the word democracy!

All in all it was a great event. I personally didn't listen to Alex or any of the others, I just spent my time talking to the folks on the outside edges of the crowd and the ones coming and going and I passed out another 100 flyers. We had about 250-300 in attendance if you include the 50 or so across the street! I really wished I could have met and visited with everyone! And yes, I got a lot of "oh! you're Debbie McKee, I heard you on the radio yesterday! You sounded so nice, not like Alex!".

One photographer recognized Adrienne and said that a photo he took of her with her sign on Thursday went global/viral by that evening. It was put out there for news agencies, etc. to pick up and use and away it went! If anyone sees it PLEASE let us know where we can find it. Another time when we protested Bernanke's visit to Dallas a Reuters photo of her also went global. That's quite fun!

I encouraged everyone who could to go join the OD folks at Pioneer Plaza afterward to mix and mingle, spread the message. That is what is about folks!!!! If you have any free time to spend working on this, PLEASE do!!!! Find them and talk with them. Take flyers, DVDs, whatever you can.

It's about the message not the candidates, remember, the message is MOST important in the long run.

Debbie McKee
taking a well deserved break!
PS the strangest thing was that as the organizer for the usual End the Fed rallies, I always am the first to arrive and the last to leave, pick up the trash, etc. then the police leave. Well, I had to tell the detective we've worked with since 2008 that I had to leave and I'd encouraged folks to move on over to Pioneer plaza, but that was all I could do! So, there were about 40 people still there when we left and more trash than I could deal with, I did pick up some. As we walked by and said goodnight to the FED security guys, they were really friendly and nice! We also told the police thank you for their service. They were spread really thin this weekend because of the Fair, the Texas/OU game, Occupy Dallas, and us. I hope tempers don't get short from long, boring, but stressful hours. I told our detective friend that there would likely be a trickle of folks there off and on. I couldn't tell who or how many.

Occupy Dallas protesters...A man with us yelled: "Red rover, red rover, let Occupy come over!!!" =)

(Adrienne thought that this photo was interesting, so that's why it was posted...)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Photos from the first day...

...of Occupy Dallas protest & End the Fed rally.

brief report:

Adrienne and I just got back home. We were there from a little before 9 AM (first ones there) and left about 11:15 to make the phone interview with Alex Jones in my car phone booth. I didn't do a great job, but hey, I was very hot in my closed up car and tired! We had to work our way through the marchers to get to our car. DPD said they had about 300 people, it could have been more, we were pretty crowded on the sidewalk.

The Dallas Observer interviewed me. Lots of us were out there. I met a student from TCU who is involved in YAL. Many liberty minded folks seemed to just come because they saw the Occupy Dallas website. DPD set up barricades so we were penned in. That was rather an uncomfortable feeling.

As the marchers arrived I passed out my flyers (only brought 100) and said "I'm glad you are here, we've been protesting the Fed since November 2008!"

The amount of press was unbelievable!!!

They didn't hang around on the hot sunny corner very long before they started calling for marching on Chase bank across the street! They ended up mostly up the street a little way under the trees! We ALWAYS hang out where the traffic can see us!

PLEASE COME OUT TOMORROW!!!! Alex is speaking around 5:30. He said he'd share his bullhorn, but he doesn't realize I'm not the bullhorn type!

So, I need some back up!!!!

"Our troops are cannon fodder for the Power Elite."

"Looting U.S."

There were some great signs, some thought provoking ones. Like "what's our oil doing under their sand?", "Who would Jesus Bomb?" and "we want a Revolution - of thought". Several End the Fed signs!! And a couple of Don't tread on me! flags!!

My main purpose in activism efforts is to help people see what is really going on. Whether it's political campaigns or tea parties or end the fed. It's ALL about reaching out to help wake people up. The message is sooo much more important than ANY personality or election. Some will listen and investigate, some won't. Duty is ours, results are God's. Revolution means a change in thinking and I believe we can see it coming.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Ron Paul Vs ...Tea-o-cons or Obama

My comment on Youtube :

Very good! Very well said!! Thank you!!! I'm a very conservative Christian and don't think the government has any business in ANYONE'S personal choices. I didn't always think this way, I was a typical "right-wing conservative". Ron Paul helped me adjust my thinking along these lines a few years ago. I'm soooo glad he did!!! Anyone with an open mind who honestly examines the liberty issues will come to the same conclusions, I'm sure.

"He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself." Thomas Paine

Sunday, June 15, 2008

These are some of the people at the

Dr. Ron Paul Ice Cream Social and Liberty Rally!

Texas GOP Convention - Houston, Texas - June 12, 2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Our Presidential choices???


There's a new phrase for honesty, integrity, and common sense in government.

It's called "Ron Paulitics"

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Many of our friends and acquaintances are Huckabee supporters. :-(
Here's a letter to the editor I wrote that was printed in Sunday's paper:

If Only…
…there was a Presidential candidate who:

* was not afraid to speak the truth
* never had any ethics charges or investigations
* never voted to raise taxes
* never took money from special interest groups, lobbyists, etc.
* never sought favor/gifts/monies from any of the above
* returned money to the coffers by running a frugal office
* never voted himself a pay raise
* never flip-flopped on issues - especially during the past year
* never beat around the bush refusing to answer questions during debates
* never took tax-payer’s money for personal use
* never voted for legislation that was unconstitutional
* never promoted his religion
* understands what pro-life really means
* really has our best interest at heart not personal power and greed
* really understands what our founding fathers intended by limiting government and guaranteeing liberties and freedoms for the people
*really understands that government has no business telling us what our choices are for health, nutrition and medical issues
*really understands the effect our foreign policy has on our economy
*really understands the effect our deficit spending has on our economy
*really understands how enslaving socialism and fascism are and how far our country has come from the original intent of our Founding Fathers
* truly has the military and vets behind him because he’s worked for their best interests
If there WERE such a candidate, do you think the powers that be would give him a fair hearing? Or would they ignore him and tell you he couldn’t possibly win? Would they gleefully report that he had dropped out when in fact he has no intention of doing so? Would they hope he will go away and the American people won’t wake up and realize what has happened to our country?
Stop allowing the network news to tell us who will be our next President. Think for yourselves folks!

Debbie McKee
PS. And amazingly there is such a candidate! Congressman Ron Paul from Texas.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ron Paul

Read this about Ron Paul for President of the USA.