Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Scottish Potato Scones and recipe

Tomorrow is Robert Burns Night (January 25th), but we got a head start with this recipe tonight...
  Scottish Potato Scones recipe from Christina's blog- it's full of food and travel!

In spite of the fact that we did not make them thin enough, or cook them quite long enough, or put quite enough salt in them...we have a new favorite at our house!  Serve with butter and apple butter (homemade is best!).   Mmm, mmm, good!  We started with leftover mashed potatoes so they were wetter and needed more flour, but still quite tasty.  Instead of rolling them I patted them onto waxed paper. 

 We tried this sausage...purchased from Azure  Pretty good.  The other is Mesquite Smoked Kielbasa from Costco. 
Keeping them warm on the wood stove while the final batch cooked!