Thursday, February 5, 2015

Chia seed "pudding"

Chocolate Chia "Pudding"....not a bad way to get some nutritious goodies into you....

2 cups milk of your choice ( we usually use raw cow milk)
2 Tablespoons (or more) Fair Trade Organic Cocoa powder
Stevia to taste (we use 3 smidge scoops)
2/3 cup Chia seeds (grind in coffee grinder)
add some ground flax seeds or hemp seeds if you wish (maybe 2 Tablespoons)

Stir it up and let it get thick, stirring a few times before putting it in the fridge....we normally let it sit in the fridge a day or more before eating it.  We add toasted almond slices, maybe some granola, dried fruit or a sprinkle of cinnamon.  A squirt of whipped cream makes it more dessert-like, but we usually eat this for brunch (our first meal of the day).  This makes four servings at our house.

Variation:  use vanilla and honey

Inspired by: and

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