Saturday, October 24, 2009

Dear Editor,

This is a response to a letter about taxpayer funded health care.

That’s nice that your family has been so well cared for by medicare, etc. However we should look at the realities of expanding or even continuing such programs- yes, health care must be paid for- but the idea of taxpayers footing the bill is a rather new one - only a few decades old. The consequences of such programs are unfunded liabilities that our country has no way to pay for, to the tune of 60 +/- Trillion dollars. That means we’ve obligated ourselves to that as a future debt, promise to provide and pay for services we can‘t afford.

Whatever happened to personal responsibility, the free market and real charity? I’ll tell you what’s happened to it - the federal and state government came in and gradually took over just about every aspect of our lives. We look to big brother or nanny state instead of the person in the mirror.

The more government has entangled itself in health care the more the costs have risen and efficiency and quality has gone down. What has government ever taken control of that has IMPROVED?

Why am I, an uninsured person paying for the healthcare of EVERYONE else? Through corporations and businesses passing their expenses to consumers (me) and government passing the programs’ costs to taxpayers (me) - I pay for other’s care and cannot afford my own. There is something wrong with this picture. And no the answer isn’t for me to get in line for Medicaid (which I’m sure our family would qualify for, but we wouldn’t dream of asking others to pay for something that is OUR responsibility!).

Healthcare choices should be left to the individual. No one should be forced -YES - forced to pay for someone else’s personal choices or consequences from those choices.
Imagine how much money we’d have in our pockets if we weren’t forced to subsidize - with everything we buy and taxed on every dime we earn - the care of others.

We could afford our own insurance if we chose to, whatever level we decided and from whatever provider we wanted. Like buying auto or home insurance. Insurance should cover the major catastrophes in life. Every sniffle, flat tire, routine oil change or burned out light bulb shouldn’t be paid for by insurance.

Then we’d also have more money in our pockets to help the truly needy with charity. Which should be in the hands of community and churches, NOT the government.
We need to get back to taking care of ourselves- we do a much better job.

The trillions in promised future benefits is unsustainable. We must work toward removing government all together from those areas of life not authorized by the Constitution and not impose further burdens of debt on our people - such burdens will be born by children not yet born!

Like Melody Brunson’s op-ed about changing buying habits and Ms. Eades letters about helping one another. We must start being more responsible for self , family and neighbors. And strengthen our churches and communities.

Our debt based economy will continue to come crashing down. We’ve been plundered by Austin, Washington, Wall Street and the Federal Reserve (as well as the international bankers). And the looting hasn’t stopped. You think the dollar losing 95% of its purchasing power in the last 90 years is bad, just wait until the inflation which will result from the recent printing of trillions more in monopoly money comes home to roost. We will be the ones to pick up the pieces, we CANNOT look to the ones who’ve done this to us to take care of us.

This will mean a paradigm shift. Back 100 years or more would be a good place to start. Before the Federal Reserve Banking system, before the AMA censuring alternatives to healthcare, before socialism and fascism, before U.S. global empire building, before Federal indoctrination institutions (government controlled public schools), before the propaganda machines run by a few corporations.

It’s not left vs. right folks, it’s tyranny vs. the people.

Personal responsibility and local control are the prescriptions we need.

Debbie McKee, Campbell

Thursday, October 22, 2009

They printed my letter!!! (not my best work, but I HAD to say something in the short time I had!)
Do proper researchTo the editor:
Swine flu? Is the virus something to be concerned about? Or is it the vaccine we should be concerned about?

I suggest that anyone who is convinced they should follow the government and pharmaceutical companies’ program and line up for their doses of who-knows-what, do a little research first.

Please don’t endanger yourself or your family without making an informed decision.

Check out the list of ingredients in the vaccine. Ask yourself why the vaccine makers have total immunity thanks to our federal government? They will not be held responsible for any deaths or damages from the vaccines.

Check out the swine flu scare and hoax of the 1970s. You can search for the 60 Minutes program that covered it.

Check out “Swine Flu Expose” a book by Eleanora I. McBean, PhD. N.D. -1977

August 29, ABC news article “Doctors Question Who's Severe Swine Flu Warning,” doctors inside and outside the government are starting to question overblown warnings.

Check out the real numbers. More people die from the regular seasonal flu. Is the new Swine Flu as dangerous as they are saying it is? Some contend the vaccine is the real danger.

Check out the lawsuits brought against Baxter for vaccines contaminated with live Avian Flu virus (sent to Europe last spring).

Check out how quickly the vaccine was ready, before or after the outbreak? Has the testing begun yet?

Ask who stands to gain from this hysteria? Who will rake in big bucks? Whose health will be compromised? (The weakest of us).

Ask why all the hysteria? Why all the propaganda? Why tell us it’s so dangerous and deadly when only a handful have actually died from it? More people die from TB each year. Why tell us the vaccine will be mandatory, and we have no right to self-quarantine?

Do we live in the United States of America, or do we live in the former Soviet Union or Nazi Germany? Ask local officials if they will carry out orders to force vaccination or incarcerate those who refuse to be vaccinated?

Find the answers to these questions and tell everyone you know what your research uncovers.

Life (health), Liberty (health care choice) and Property (I own my body),
Debbie McKee